German Spell checker install



Hi, I am rolling out some new machines in the office, we have a german
translator working here and she requires the german proofing tools, now the
version we have is the UK version of Office 2002 and so includes French,
English and Italian.

Her old machine has the german grammer installed aswell, i am not sure
wether i can transfer the files to the new machine? not sure how it has been
installed at all, both machines are running XP and office 2002.

Any Ideas?


Cindy M.

Hi Eiran,
I am rolling out some new machines in the office, we have a german
translator working here and she requires the german proofing tools, now the
version we have is the UK version of Office 2002 and so includes French,
English and Italian.

Her old machine has the german grammer installed aswell, i am not sure
wether i can transfer the files to the new machine? not sure how it has been
installed at all, both machines are running XP and office 2002.
Mmm, tricky. Did she bring this old machine with her? Or is it an installation
your company provided? In either case, does anyone have the original
(licensed?!) software package?

For that version of Office you should have a separate language package of some
kind for languages not delivered with the local version of Office.

*Possibly* you can copy the *.lex file for the spell check into the same folder
as the *.lex files present on the machine. I think that still worked for 2002
(but not in later versions). Whether it's legal (I think not) is another
question, entirely.

The grammar check, however, does require installation and registration. For
that you would definitely need the original software.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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