Where can I find software so I can use German Spellcheck?
B Bob Buckland ?:-\) Oct 22, 2004 #2 If you're using the English language edition of Microsoft Office System 2003 you can purchase the Office Proofing Tools Kit 2003 edition http://microsoft.com/products/info/...071b9ced-ed82-47ef-b5fa-a42ecbdec9b7&type=ovr ======= Where can I find software so I can use German Spellcheck? << -- Let us know if this helped you, Bob Buckland ? MS Office System Products MVP *Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends* Office 2003 Editions explained http://www.microsoft.com/uk/office/editions.mspx
If you're using the English language edition of Microsoft Office System 2003 you can purchase the Office Proofing Tools Kit 2003 edition http://microsoft.com/products/info/...071b9ced-ed82-47ef-b5fa-a42ecbdec9b7&type=ovr ======= Where can I find software so I can use German Spellcheck? << -- Let us know if this helped you, Bob Buckland ? MS Office System Products MVP *Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends* Office 2003 Editions explained http://www.microsoft.com/uk/office/editions.mspx