Get a Free Laptop!



This is a legitimate offer and they have given away thousands of
laptops to date. There's no catch but there is a bit of work to it
though. You have to sign up for a promotional offer, and refer other
people as well, but in the end you really will get a brand new laptop.
Copy and paste this url into your browser:


David said:
This is a legitimate offer and they have given away thousands of
laptops to date. There's no catch but there is a bit of work to it
though. You have to sign up for a promotional offer, and refer other
people as well, but in the end you really will get a brand new laptop.
Copy and paste this url into your browser:

http:// laptops . freepay . com / ? r=31072333

So "Party Poker" who multi-posted to 24hoursupport.helpdesk (and other
groups) is now David. Yeah, right.

freepay-dot-com traces back to rackspace-dot-com which is operated by
Gratis Network (also using freeipods-dot-com). Domain registrant for
freepay-dot-com is Gratis.

You are spamming the newsgroups trying to accumulate dupes that get
suckered into the pyramid marketing scam from Gratis Network who, by the
way, prohibits spamming to acquire your points (read their terms of
service). Oooooh, like we are not suppose to recognize the affiliate
parameter in your URL.

Next time, bozo, read the terms & conditions for Gratis Network
(, section V.1.g). You are NOT
allowed to spam your way to your own freebie! Hopefully Gratis kills
your account and you lose all the points that you have accumulated so
far, if any.

Spam reported to:
(e-mail address removed) (Gratis Network)
(e-mail address removed) (spammer's ISP)

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