I have reverse engineered a database into visio professional 2003. I now want to be able to write programs which operate on the database definitions - eg load in new talbes and columns from an excel spreadsheet (and therefore create new tables and so on so i don't have to retype them), download selected data to a spreadsheet (eg table and column details), add new information through the interface (eg transformation rules for my data conversion project), add new information in a spreadsheet and then upload into visio (eg get a table list, add some new data, and load that up to visio), control shape appearance with attributes (maybe user defined attributes) such as all tables with the "in scope" flag set are shown in blue...in short, extend and inteface the visio diagram to document and control my whole project. The problem is - i can't find where the database definitions are kept! If there are 100 tables with 1000s of columns and indexes etc, where are they kept? How can you access it through code?