get data from a text file and insert them in datasheet to show a chart in VBA



Could you please help, I like to open a text file and take its data which
are X, Y coordinates of a excel chart in to a excel datasheet. What I found
out is that I can use the VBA to open a text file and load its data to the
worksheet but I dont know how to load it in to a datasheet. Could anyone

thank you in advance

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Frank,
Could you please help, I like to open a text file and take its data which
are X, Y coordinates of a excel chart in to a excel datasheet. What I found
out is that I can use the VBA to open a text file and load its data to the
worksheet but I dont know how to load it in to a datasheet. Could anyone
Excel charts base on Excel worksheets. MS Graph uses "datasheets". Are you
wanting to create an MS Graph embedded in another application's file (Word or
Powerpoint, for example)?

Basically, you write to a datasheet the same way you would to an Excel sheet,
except you have to address it cell-by-cell. There's no way to simply "dump"
the data in one step. Note that the datasheet is a child of the Application
object (if memory serves me correctly).

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 8 2004)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or
reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


Frank said:
Could you please help, I like to open a text file and take its data which
are X, Y coordinates of a excel chart in to a excel datasheet. What I found
out is that I can use the VBA to open a text file and load its data to the
worksheet but I dont know how to load it in to a datasheet. Could anyone

thank you in advance

Frank, hope this helps.


' Declarations
Option Explicit

' Function : MacroReadFromFile
' Purpose : Reads from a file and put results into cells on a
' Author : Gavin
' Date : 09-06-04
' Notes : Demo macro to show how to read stuff from a file into a
' uses library funcs developed previously - copies are
Sub MacroReadFromFile()

' Dim variables
Dim intFile As Integer
Dim strFileName As String
Dim strThisField As String
Dim strThisLine As String
Dim intCount As Integer
Dim intRow As Integer
Dim intCol As Integer

' -- For testing purposes, get the file to open from the active
strFileName = ActiveCell
intCol = ActiveCell.Column
intRow = ActiveCell.Row

' -- For testing purposes, check we have what we think
MsgBox ActiveCell.Worksheet.Name

' -- Check aforementioned file exists
If (Not (FileLib_bFileExists(strFileName))) Then
MsgBox strFileName & " is not an existing file"
Exit Sub
End If

' -- Try and open it
intFile = FileLib_intOpenFile(strFileName, "Read")

If (intFile = 0) Then
' -- Whoops - error, go home early
MsgBox "Could not open " & strFileName
Exit Sub
End If

' -- Read in a line of text - use your own method if prefered!
strThisLine = FileLib_strGetTextLine(intFile)

intCount = 1

' -- Get each delimited field in the line
strThisField = StrLib_strGetNextField(strThisLine, ",")
While (strThisField <> "")
' ****** FRANK - this is probably the pertinent line
Worksheets(1).Cells(intRow + intCount, intCol) = strThisField
strThisField = StrLib_strGetNextField(strThisLine, ",")
intCount = intCount + 1

' -- close file
Close #intFile
End Sub

' Function : FileLib_intOpenFile
' Purpose : Opens a file for different binary access modes
' Author : Gavin
' Date : 28-Jun-97
' Recieves : 1. strFileName - The name of the file to open,
including the
' 2. strAccess - The access mode
' Returns : The file handle
' Notes : Uses the FreeFile function to get the next available
file handle
' On error returns 0
Public Function FileLib_intOpenFile(strFileName As String, strAccess
As String, Optional strType = "") As Integer
Dim intNextFileNumber As Integer

' set up error trapping
On Error GoTo FileLib_intOpenFile_Error

intNextFileNumber = FreeFile ' Get the next free file handle
Select Case strAccess
Case "Read"
Open strFileName For Binary Access Read As

Case "Write"
Open strFileName For Binary Access Write As

Case "WriteText"
Open strFileName For Output Access Write As

Case "AppendText"
Open strFileName For Append Access Write As

Case "Text"
Open strFileName For Input Access Read As

Case Else
Open strFileName For Binary As #intNextFileNumber
End Select

' Return the file handle
FileLib_intOpenFile = intNextFileNumber

Exit Function

' Error handler
FileLib_intOpenFile = 0

End Function

' Function : FileLib_strGetTextLine
' Purpose : Reads a line from a text file
' Author : Gavin
' Date : 28-Jun-97
' Recieves : 1. intFileHandle - the file number
' Returns : The next line with the crud removed
' Notes : For use rather that "Line Input" when the file pointer
' needs to be set
' : Reads the file character at a time until it finds an end
of line one
' But unlike the above function doesn't skip over escape
' except the CR/LF
' Uses : 1. FileLib_bEndOfLine
Public Function FileLib_strGetTextLine(intFileHandle As Integer) As
Dim lngFilePos As Long

' read in the line character by character until end of file
' or end of line
Dim strNextChar As String
Dim strNextLine As String

lngFilePos = Loc(intFileHandle)
Do While (lngFilePos < LOF(intFileHandle))
' Get the next charcter
' Check to see if its the end of the line
strNextChar = Input(1, #intFileHandle)
If (FileLib_bEndOfLine(strNextChar)) Then
Exit Do
End If

' Add this character to the string
strNextLine = strNextLine & strNextChar

' Reset the file position pointer
lngFilePos = Loc(intFileHandle)

' DOS uses char 13/10 as its eol marker, other systems 10
If (lngFilePos < LOF(intFileHandle)) Then
' Get the next character
strNextChar = Input(1, #intFileHandle)

' Reset the file position pointer
lngFilePos = Loc(intFileHandle)

' is is one of the white space ones
If (Asc(strNextChar) <> 10) Then
Seek #intFileHandle, lngFilePos
End If
End If
FileLib_strGetTextLine = strNextLine
End Function

' Function : FileLib_bEndOfLine
' Purpose : Checks to see if the character is a recognised end of
line one
' Author : Gavin
' Date : 28-Jun-97
' Recieves : 1. strChar - The character to check
' Returns : True if EOL else false
Private Function FileLib_bEndOfLine(strChar As String) As Boolean
Dim bEndOfLine As Boolean
If (strChar = "") Then
Exit Function
End If

Select Case Asc(strChar)
Case 10 ' Carriage return
bEndOfLine = True
Case 13 ' Line feed
bEndOfLine = True
Case Else
bEndOfLine = False
End Select
FileLib_bEndOfLine = bEndOfLine
End Function

' Function : FileLib_bFileExists
' Purpose : Sees if a file exists
' Author : Gavin
' Date : 25-Nov-98
' Recieves : 1. strFilename - the file name
' Returns : True if exists, else false
Public Function FileLib_bFileExists(strFileName) As Boolean
Dim intResult As Integer ' Test variable
Dim bExists As Boolean
On Error GoTo FileLib_bFileExists_ERROR
bExists = True ' if doesn't exist, an error will occur then set to

intResult = GetAttr(strFileName)

FileLib_bFileExists = bExists
Exit Function

bExists = False
Resume FileLib_bFileExists_EXIT
End Function

' Function : StrLib_strGetNextField
' Purpose : Gets next field from a delimited string
' Author : Gavin
' Date : 27th March 2002
' Recieves : 1. strRecord - the string containing the fields
' 2. strDelim - The delimiter (defaults to a space: " ")
' Returns : The next field if there is one, else ""
' Notes : Removes the retrieved field from the source string
Public Function StrLib_strGetNextField(ByRef strRecord As String, _
Optional strDelim As String =
" ") As String
Dim intPtr As Integer
If (Len(Trim(strRecord)) = 0) Then
StrLib_strGetNextField = ""
Exit Function
End If

intPtr = InStr(strRecord, strDelim)
If (intPtr = 0) Then
' return whats left
StrLib_strGetNextField = strRecord
strRecord = ""
Exit Function
End If

StrLib_strGetNextField = Left(strRecord, intPtr - 1)
strRecord = Mid(strRecord, intPtr + Len(strDelim))

End Function
' -- StrLib_strGetNextField

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