Get data from specific collumn




I have a date in sheet one cell A1. In sheet two I have monthly data. Now If
the date is 30/6/2008 I want data from June collumn and so on. Hope I\m
making sence here. Cannot use IF since there is at least 12 collumns of data.

Any suggestions?


What data do you want to retrieve? You could use HLOOKUP with a MONTH
function on A1 for this, or an INDEX/MATCH combination , but you will need
to give more information about how your data is laid out and what you want
to do with it if you need a more specific formula.

Hope this helps.


David Biddulph

Use the MONTH() function to get the appropriate argument in an OFFSET()


Hi Pete,

Im trying to update one collumn in sheet 1 with the data from sheet 2 based
on the date in specific cell "A1". Basically its "IF A1 = 30/6/2008 fillin
the data from collumn in sheet 2 which contains the same date in row 5. If
A1 = 30/7/2008 take the data from coll containing that date in row 5 etc.
I've used embedde IF but that is limited.

Thanks for the effort I appreciate it.

Sheet 1 (to be updated)

Date 30/6/2006


Done it.

played around with it a little and the function is:
=HLOOKUP(MONTH($C$2);'BS - Monthly '!$B$4:M71;ROW()-3;FALSE)

This finds the right coll (ie. June for dates in June) and returns a value
from that coll and spec row . For those who want to do it.

Thanks to both Pete and David.


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