Get Function


Daniel W

Hey all,

I am trying to write a function that takes the predecessors of Task A, examines whether or not they are completed, and then flags whether or not Task A can be completed. I know that this is superfluous if the plan were built properly, but I recently inherited a giant project plan and I would like to throw in this check function in case I missed anything.

I think I could accomplish this with a get function, but I don't know if that is built in to project. Ideas?


EggHeadCafe - .NET Developer Portal of Choice


Hey all,

I am trying to write a function that takes the predecessors of Task A,
examines whether or not they are completed, and then flags whether or not
Task A can be completed. I know that this is superfluous if the plan were
built properly, but I recently inherited a giant project plan and I would
like to throw in this check function in case I missed anything.

I think I could accomplish this with a get function, but I don't know if that
is built in to project. Ideas?


EggHeadCafe - .NET Developer Portal of Choice

The best way to create what you want is through VBA - you can't get
there with just a formula in a customized field.

You would probably want to limit the test to only focus on tasks within
a limited date range rather than looping through all predecessors of all
tasks. For example, you could start by filtering the plan to only show
tasks that have not yet started and not worrying about tasks that are
due to start in say, 3 weeks. That way you will catch any old tasks that
never got started due to an unfinished predecessor but yet not look at
tasks that are way in the future. Then given that filtered group of
tasks, loop through task predecessors and find if any are not yet
complete. You could set flags to indicate various conditions (e.g. tasks
that are late, tasks that are due to start and tasks that may be in
jeopardy of not getting started). You can carry the analysis to whatever
level you want.

Just for reference, you might want to check out fellow MVP, Jack
Dahlgren's "Trace" macro which can be found on Jack's webpage at,

Aside from a VBA approach here's another thought. Even though the plan
you inherited is "giant", if it is a reasonably good plan there
shouldn't be many tasks that are in jeopardy of getting started, at
least, not if the plan was managed and maintained properly. As such, you
might want to just create a filter to look at tasks that have not yet
started prior to the current date plus a week or two. Then do a manual
review of predecessors for those tasks.

By the way, there are multiple "Get" methods in Project but none of them
would be that useful for doing what you want.

Hope this helps.
Project MVP

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