Hi, I'd like to know if there's w ay to get "ID" of all issues in a
particular issues list.
I know how to get the issues list...it's an XMLNode..from that how do i
extract the "ID" field alone and use it for something else..? I'm sure it has
got to do with XML parsing..but I don't know how to do that. Here is what I
have so far:
XmlNode node = wssLists.GetListItems("Issues", null, null, null,
null, null, webId);
//XmlNode node = wssLists.GetList("Issues");
string issueData = node.InnerXml;
<rs:data ItemCount="5" xmlns:rs="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:rowset">
<z:row ows_ID="1" ows_Created="2007-11-06 14:43:20"
ows_Owner="50;#Kalakonnavar; Vijay" ows_Status0="(1) Active"
ows_Status="(6)Closed - Resolved" ows_Level="Workstream" ows_LinkTitle="Need
Message Broker server in all environments" ows_owshiddenversion="5"
xmlns:z="#RowsetSchema" />
particular issues list.
I know how to get the issues list...it's an XMLNode..from that how do i
extract the "ID" field alone and use it for something else..? I'm sure it has
got to do with XML parsing..but I don't know how to do that. Here is what I
have so far:
XmlNode node = wssLists.GetListItems("Issues", null, null, null,
null, null, webId);
//XmlNode node = wssLists.GetList("Issues");
string issueData = node.InnerXml;
<rs:data ItemCount="5" xmlns:rs="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:rowset">
<z:row ows_ID="1" ows_Created="2007-11-06 14:43:20"
ows_Owner="50;#Kalakonnavar; Vijay" ows_Status0="(1) Active"
ows_Status="(6)Closed - Resolved" ows_Level="Workstream" ows_LinkTitle="Need
Message Broker server in all environments" ows_owshiddenversion="5"
xmlns:z="#RowsetSchema" />