Get items in ListView in columns


RB Smissaert

Using Excel XP.
Does anybody have a simple example of how to get items (short strings) in a
ListView control in columns?
It has to be added in a loop like this:
Add item in column 1
Add item in column 2
Add item in column 3
Add item in column 1
Seems a simple thing, but I can't get it to work.
Thanks for any assistance.


RB Smissaert

Let me be a bit more specific.
This is the relevant code bits to do with the ListView:

With ListView1
.HideColumnHeaders = False
.HideSelection = False
.LabelEdit = lvwManual
.Sorted = False
.TextBackground = lvwOpaque
.FullRowSelect = True
.View = lvwReport
End With

With ListView1
.ListItems.Add i, , hwnd
.ListItems(i).ListSubItems.Add , , sClassname
.ListItems(i).ListSubItems.Add , , sWindowText
End With

On testing (msgbox, ListView1.ListItems.Count) all seems to be working fine,
but nothing shows in the ListView.
I can't even get column header to show, although the grey column shows on
the top.
I am talking here about the Microsoft ListView Control 6.0 (SP6) in VBA.
I am just puzzeled by this and would greatly appreciate any advice.


RB Smissaert

Still no luck with this.
I replaced the file mscomctl.ocx with a new one, although I had the latest
version (, but it made no difference.
Tried all sorts of different syntaxes like:

Dim itmX As ListItem

Set itmX = ListView1.ListItems.Add

itmX.Text = hwnd
itmX.ListSubItems.Add , , sClassname
itmX.ListSubItems.Add , , sWindowText

Still nothing shows in the ListView.
Really mysified by this.


RB Smissaert

Done some testing with a ListView in it's simplest form.
Opened a new workbook.
Added a form.
Added a ListView, called ListView1
Added a code module with the following code:

Sub LoadUserForm()

Load UserForm1

With UserForm1.ListView1
.View = lvwReport
.Appearance = ccFlat
.Enabled = True
.FullRowSelect = False
.Gridlines = True
.HideSelection = False
.LabelEdit = lvwManual
End With

Dim itmX As ListItem

Set itmX = UserForm1.ListView1.ListItems.Add

itmX.Text = "item1"
itmX.ListSubItems.Add , , "item2"
itmX.ListSubItems.Add , , "item3"

End Sub

Now sometimes this shows item1 and sometimes no items.
Item 2 and 3 never show.
Clearly something is corrupted here.
Think I might have to reinstall Excel.


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