Get multiple addresses from a contact list



Why doesn't this code work. I only cna get one item from the distribution list

Set myNameSpace = OutApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set myFolder = myNameSpace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts)
Set myContactList = myFolder.Folders(DistListName)
For Each contact In myContactList.Items

Email = contact.Email1DisplayName
Next contact

I'm trying to attach a distribution list to a new email message and can't
figure this out.

Sue Mosher [MVP]

I don't see anything in this code that relates to attaching a distribution
list to a message. Maybe you could clarify what you're trying to do and give
your Outlook version.

Also, no distribution list appears to be involved. Instead, your code
appears to do something with contacts in a particular folder.


Isn't a ddistribution list all the memberos of a contact list? I trying to
send an email to a list of people at my company that will be the same every
week. What is the best way to get this list into the To: box of the email.
I already have the email and just need to fill in the lisdt of people.

Sue Mosher [MVP]

No, a distribution list is a single Outlook item that contains either
one-off email addresses or pointers to contact items stored in a folder.
What you're talking about is a contacts folder.

You don't need code to work with it, just select all the items in the folder
and use the New Message to Contact command to create a new message to all
those people.

If you do want to write code for such a simple task, use the addresses to
build a string that you use to set the value of the To property on the
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Microsoft Outlook 2007 Programming:
Jumpstart for Power Users and Administrators


I just figured it out myself. I needed code to do what I needed. Can you
directly get an address book by name instead of looping through all the
address boks. Here is what I have now

Set myNameSpace = OutApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set myFolder = myNameSpace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts)
Set myContactList = myFolder.Folders(DistListName).Items

Set myAddressLists = myNameSpace.AddressLists

For Each itm In myAddressLists
If itm.Name = DistListName Then

For Each mycontact In itm.AddressEntries
If mycontact.DisplayType = olUser Then
If GetDistributionList = "" Then
GetDistributionList = mycontact
GetDistributionList = GetDistributionList & ";" & mycontact
End If
End If

Next mycontact
End If
Next itm

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