Get PageName


Jens Hofmeier

Hello NG,

i am totally new to vbs and programming in outlook, so this is a newbie
I have sostumized a form in outlook using a little skript. This vbs contains
following command:

The Problem is i have no idea, what is meant by "Page". Tried the form name,
without success. Can anyone help me to find out the name of the page?

Thanks in advance,


Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

With a form in design mode, you'll see multiple tabs across the top of it. Each of these tabs is a page, including the customizable pages P.2 - P.5. The names on the tabs are the names of the pages.

Jens Hofmeier

Thank! It works.

With a form in design mode, you'll see multiple tabs across the top of it.
Each of these tabs is a page, including the customizable pages P.2 - P.5.
The names on the tabs are the names of the pages.

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