Get Pivot Table Data Formula



Is anyone a Pivot Table Guru?
I need to use the GetPivotData formula to get a subtotal line within the
Pivot, but when I use the equals I keep getting a reference error!

eg. Need to access Sep Hrs - cannot get total as I receive a ref error.
But for Total hrs I can use the formula!!

Is there a way I can use the getpivotdata formula or another formula to
access these category subtotals from the pivot table!! The pivot table is
dynamic aswell, and its range grows as you add in additional weeks..


Debra Dalgleish

There are example GetPivotData formulas in Excel's Help. Can you base
your formula on one of those?

If not, describe your pivot table layout, and which version of Excel
you're using, and someone may be able to help.


Yes, I have tried that, but still get a reference error.
I have pasted in the table I am looking at and need to get the formula for
the subtotals without a reference erroe. Can anyone help????

When I use the equals sign to reference the cell, an error appears. Can some
one help me with the formula issue I have??

=GetPivotData($A$4,"Dept[Sales;Data,Sum] 'Sum of Hours' 'Sep'")

Employee Dept Sep
Sam Sales 8
Jane Sales 9
Rob Sales 10
Sales Sum of Hours 27
Tim Finance 15
Dan Finance 16
Finance Sum of Hours 31
Bob Consulting 11
Rui Consulting 12
Consulting Sum of Hours 23
Ed Admin 9
Sum of Hours 9
Total Sum of Hours 90

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