Maybe a basic question ... if I have a Task object how can I get its
corresponding Project object? The scenario is that in the
Application_ProjectBeforeTaskChange(Task task, PjField field, object newVal,
ref bool cancel) event handler method I get a Task object and I need to
access its corresponding Project object. Using task.Project just returns the
name of the Project. I tried using task.Application.ActiveProject but
sometimes ProjectBeforeTaskChange event is not triggered for a task changed
in the active project, eg, when opening a new file through "File > New..." or
pressing Cntrl+N.
Thanks for any help.
Maybe a basic question ... if I have a Task object how can I get its
corresponding Project object? The scenario is that in the
Application_ProjectBeforeTaskChange(Task task, PjField field, object newVal,
ref bool cancel) event handler method I get a Task object and I need to
access its corresponding Project object. Using task.Project just returns the
name of the Project. I tried using task.Application.ActiveProject but
sometimes ProjectBeforeTaskChange event is not triggered for a task changed
in the active project, eg, when opening a new file through "File > New..." or
pressing Cntrl+N.
Thanks for any help.