Get Relative Data from result of MIN function



I will attempt to explain my problem below and I wanted to provide as
much information as I could, hence the lengthy post :)

My first worksheet has 3 cells, A1, B1, C1, that displays "Minimum
price", "Vendor" and "Description" respectively.

I have two more sheets that are arranged the same way as the first
sheet except A1 displays a numerical value instead of the "minimum
price". B1 displays a vendor name, and C1 displays a description.

On the first sheet under A1 to find the minimum price, I used the MIN
function to find the minimum value among the values in A1 in Sheets 2
and 3, i.e. =MIN(Sheet2!A1, Sheet3!A1).

How do I display the corresponding vendor and description of the
resultant minimum value?

For example, assume the following data for sheets 2 and 3:

1[/B]---10---VENDOR 1----PRICE OF HAT

1*---20---VENDOR 2----PRICE OF SHOE

*1*---10---Vendor 1----Price of hat

I know I can probably use IF statements to achieve this, but for that
to work I would need to know exactly the number of sheets I'm dealing
with, i.e., Sheet 2, 3, etc plus as the number of sheets increases, the
IF statement would get very lengthy.
Is there a way I can do this without using IF statements? Is there a
way the MIN function can return the actual cell or sheet reference
instead of the value?

Any help or advice will be appreciated.


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