Get rid of the word "your's" in the spellcheck dictionary


Mike M

Get rid of the word "your's" in the spellcheck dictionary - it's not a word

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Mary Sauer

It isn't in my spell-check dictionary... Are you the only user on your computer?

Mike M

Yes I am - a coworker just told me about it on his PC so I checked mine.

But you are correct, it does not show up on some others.

What would cause this? I certainly didn't add the word, and it is not in my
custom dictionary "custom.dic"

Mary Sauer

Have no clue why one computer would have the word and not others. It is strange.

James Silverton

Mary wrote on Wed, 7 Jun 2006 03:54:39 -0400:

MS> Have no clue why one computer would have the word and not
MS> others. It is strange.

MS> --
MS> Mary Sauer MSFT MVP
MS> news://

MS> ??>> Yes I am - a coworker just told me about it on his PC so I
??>> checked mine.
??>> But you are correct, it does not show up on some others.
??>> What would cause this? I certainly didn't add the word,
??>> and it is not in my custom dictionary "custom.dic"
??>> "Mary Sauer" wrote:
??>>> It isn't in my spell-check dictionary... Are you the only
??>>> user on your computer?
??>>> --
??>>> Mary Sauer MSFT MVP
??>>> news://
??>>> message ??>>>
??>>>> Get rid of the word "your's" in the spellcheck

I was intrigued and tried my own copy of Word 2002. "Your's" is
definitely flagged as an error. I have one, probably far out,
suggestion: is it possible that more than one custom dictionary
is installed? It does not have to be called CUSTOM.DIC:
Tools/Options/Spelling and Grammar/Custom Dictionaries

James Silverton.

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