Get values from submitted form page in confirmation fields



Hello all,

This is a fairly common question with a bit of a twist (didn't find an
answer around, so I thought I'd post).

I have a FP form with a file upload control and a drop down box for users to
complete. I have some basic javascript code on the form for validation, and
I have a custom confirmation for when the user has clicked the submit button.
What I'm wondering now is if I can get the data from the first form into
fields on the confirmation page. I am working with FP 2000 (old stuff....I
know), and I have been able to stick web components on the confirmation page
successfully. The component does display the field value properly from the
previous form, but I cannot figure out how to get the value into a field on
the confirmation page. I want to do this so I can reference those values on
the confirmation page with some more javascript code. Seems like this should
be possible somehow.

If anyone has any ideas, I'd appreciate hearing them.



Might have found a solution to this in the meantime. I put the FP web
component parts in a table instead of right on the page. I then could
reference the table rows through Javascript code using something like this:

<!-- Begin
function GraderVal(){
var a = "TestIt"
var elTableRow1 = document.getElementById("UploadRow");
var elTableRow2 = document.getElementById("GraderRow");
var elTableCell1 = elTableRow1.getElementsByTagName("td");
var elTableCell2 = elTableRow2.getElementsByTagName("td");
var b = elTableCell1[0].innerText;
var c = elTableCell2[0].innerText;
//var b = document.ConfirFrm.Testor.value
// End -->

In that function, I am referencing the 2 table rows as defined by their row
name. I then look for the element tag of "td" to start grabbing the cell

It appears to be working when connected to a button on the form. The values
are stored in variables, which means I should be able to use them further in
my code.

If anyone DOES still know of a way to put the component results in fields,
that may be helpful for someone else (I still haven't found a way to do it).
Maybe that's just not possible, or maybe it's possible, and simply something
I haven't thought of yet (EXTREMELY possible).

Thanks for the forum to post!


It's easy if you use server side scripting such as asp, asp.NET or PHP
to process the form data, but if you use FrontPage extensions the only
solutions are variations of your method.
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.

Might have found a solution to this in the meantime. I put the FP web
component parts in a table instead of right on the page. I then could
reference the table rows through Javascript code using something like this:

<!-- Begin
function GraderVal(){
var a = "TestIt"
var elTableRow1 = document.getElementById("UploadRow");
var elTableRow2 = document.getElementById("GraderRow");
var elTableCell1 = elTableRow1.getElementsByTagName("td");
var elTableCell2 = elTableRow2.getElementsByTagName("td");
var b = elTableCell1[0].innerText;
var c = elTableCell2[0].innerText;
//var b = document.ConfirFrm.Testor.value
// End -->

In that function, I am referencing the 2 table rows as defined by their row
name. I then look for the element tag of "td" to start grabbing the cell

It appears to be working when connected to a button on the form. The values
are stored in variables, which means I should be able to use them further in
my code.

If anyone DOES still know of a way to put the component results in fields,
that may be helpful for someone else (I still haven't found a way to do it).
Maybe that's just not possible, or maybe it's possible, and simply something
I haven't thought of yet (EXTREMELY possible).

Thanks for the forum to post!

PABLEGuy said:
Hello all,

This is a fairly common question with a bit of a twist (didn't find an
answer around, so I thought I'd post).

I have a FP form with a file upload control and a drop down box for users to
complete. I have some basic javascript code on the form for validation, and
I have a custom confirmation for when the user has clicked the submit button.
What I'm wondering now is if I can get the data from the first form into
fields on the confirmation page. I am working with FP 2000 (old stuff....I
know), and I have been able to stick web components on the confirmation page
successfully. The component does display the field value properly from the
previous form, but I cannot figure out how to get the value into a field on
the confirmation page. I want to do this so I can reference those values on
the confirmation page with some more javascript code. Seems like this should
be possible somehow.

If anyone has any ideas, I'd appreciate hearing them.


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