Question for all the excel gurus. Let's say column A will be title
Total to date for all Periods and periods will be represented in th
columns to the right of it, Column B will be titled previous total
Column C-F will represent Periods 1-4, column G will be the new period
I am adding. I have a formula for column A that reflects columns C-F o
period 1-4 and the new period I am adding in column G. I know how t
have my formula change automatically in column A when I add period 5 o
column G. However, is there a way to get the formula in Column B t
change automatically to reflect when I add the next period 6 or Colum
H? Thus column B which is previous total will now reflect columns C-
or period 1-5 and column H or period 6 will be the new column? Total t
date will reflect columns C-H or periods 1-6. Any suggestions?
Question for all the excel gurus. Let's say column A will be title
Total to date for all Periods and periods will be represented in th
columns to the right of it, Column B will be titled previous total
Column C-F will represent Periods 1-4, column G will be the new period
I am adding. I have a formula for column A that reflects columns C-F o
period 1-4 and the new period I am adding in column G. I know how t
have my formula change automatically in column A when I add period 5 o
column G. However, is there a way to get the formula in Column B t
change automatically to reflect when I add the next period 6 or Colum
H? Thus column B which is previous total will now reflect columns C-
or period 1-5 and column H or period 6 will be the new column? Total t
date will reflect columns C-H or periods 1-6. Any suggestions?