Getting a square Chart Object


John Humble

Is there any way to produce a square ChartObject within a WorkSheet? I'm
trying to produce square XY scatter plots (same scale for each axis, easy)
within a minimum size chartobject but can't find a way of controlling the
ChartObject size and shape. It's obvious that I've missed something simple.
Any suggestions gratefully received.



John Humble

Thanks Debra. Jon's code does part of what I want but I think not all.

According to my probably inadequate understanding of Charting in Excel, a
Plot lives within a ChartObject. Clicking on the ChartObject boundary
selects the ChartObject and produces a label saying "Chart Area". The
ChartObject can be copied as a Picture and pasted elsewhere.

Clicking inside the ChartObject produces another box labelled "Plot Area".
Jon's code squares this, but as far as I can see says nothing about the
enveloping ChartObject. I can square the Plot Area, but need to have it
sitting within a minimum size ChartObject which is also square, or at least
close to it, without disturbing the "squareness" of the Plot Area and the
associated axes.

Is this clearer?


Jon Peltier

John -

You can make this square as well. Select a cell, then hold down Shift
while selecting the chart. This selects the Chart Object (you were
selecting the Chart Area, which is contained in the Chart Object).
Press Ctrl-1 (numeral one) to format it, click on the Size tab, and
enter the same number for height and width. Now select a cell and
select the Chart Object (without Shift) and square the grids.

You may find that a square plotarea doesn't fit exactly within a square
chart object, because of different margins around the chart for
horizontal and vertical axis titles and labels, etc. Play around until
it looks good. ("Looks good" doesn't always mean "exact".)

- Jon

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