Getting close but need some more heip



Ok I have learned out how to create a formula that averages totals and
ignores divide by zero errors

And how to create a formula that averages totals and ignores zero values

Now I need to combine the two into one formula but I can't get the syntax
right. I need it to average 3 cells containing totals but ignore cells that
contain zero and not create a divide by zero error if all three cells contain
zero since this the average value is linked to another workbook.

Anyone willing to tackle this one? Anyone know of a book or resource that
helps one learn to write multiple function formulas
G.R. in Little Rock


Ok I have learned out how to create a formula that averages totals and
ignores divide by zero errors

Try this: (array entered)

And how to create a formula that averages totals and ignores zero values

Try this: (array entered)

=AVERAGE(IF(D103:F103 said:
Now I need to combine the two into one formula

Try this: (array entered)





Disregard this:

Try this: (array entered)



Aladin Akyurek

One way:

If you have #DIV/0! errors in the target range...


If there are no negative numbers, replace "<>#DIV/0!" with ">0".

If no #DIV/0! errors in the target range...


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