getting data from access


Mr. Know Nothing

Hey all, I am trying to get data from access and inserting it in excel. I
have multiple table and multiple queries. I did get one query to work but now
on my second I seem to have a problem that i can find.

Sub ProcessRecords()

Dim i As Integer
i = 1

'declares connection and record set
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset

'initialize connect and recordset
Set cn = New Connection
Set rs = New Recordset

cn.Provider = "Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0"
cn.ConnectionString = "Data Source = S:\12 Students NOPP8\CO31Emile Boudreau
(Jan2006-Apr 2006)\Indmon 2005.mdb"

rs.Open "select * from [Production]", cn


Do While rs.EOF <> True
ActiveCell.Value = rs.Fields("MILL_ID").Value ' from = to
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Range("A1").Select
ActiveCell.Value = rs.Fields("P_TOTALE").Value
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Range("A1").Select
ActiveCell.Value = rs.Fields("P_DATE").Value

i = i + 1
Range("A" & i).Select



Sheets("Sheet2").Name = "Production"


Set rs = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing
End Sub

Now i know that i have information because in access i see it and the query
gets data in access but when i try to run in in VB "rs" has no records in it.
(rs.EOF = true) This makes no sense as i know it should pick data up.

Does anyone have an idea of what is going wrong here?

thanks in advance for the help.


Maybe the cursor is at the end of the table? did you try an
rs.movefirst before the while?

Mr. Know Nothing

yup tried that and it gives me:

run-time error '3021'
Either BOF or EOF is true, or the current record has been deleted.
Requested operation requires a current record.

it's just like if the query is not grabbing any recordset.

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