getting data from another spreadsheet



I'm helping a friend set up a spreadsheet to track the efficiency of
the employees in his auto repair shop. Each repair (and there are LOTS
of them) has an accepted time in which it should be completed.
Sometimes a technician completes the repair in less than accepted time,
sometimes in more than accepted time. So, the data looks like this:

1.) Date
2.) Tech Name
3.) Repair #
4.) Accepted Repair Time
5.) Time Punched Off
6.) Time Punched On
7.) Actual Repair Time ( calculated field #5 minus #6)

Right now, my friend is looking up the accepted repair time that goes
along with the specific repair # and entering it manually. I'm trying
to automate this particular task for him.

So, my plan is to set up another spreadsheet that he can automatically
link to with the following fields:
1.) Repair #
2.) Accepted Repair Time

Then each time he enters a Repair # into the 1st spreadsheet, the
corresponding Accepted Repair Time will automatically be entered.

My question is, how do make this happen? Is there a better way than
the way I've envisioned it?

Thanks for your help!


The LOOKUP function appears to be what you are looking for. Use Excel's
help to read about it.

Paul B

Nelson, sounds like a lookup table will work for you, have a look at lookup
in help, and here is a site with lots of information on it also
Paul B
Always backup your data before trying something new
Please post any response to the newsgroups so others can benefit from it
Feedback on answers is always appreciated!
Using Excel 2002 & 2003

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