Getting error messsages when saving a document



Okay, let's say I am using a form in Word. I make the changes in the form,
go to the directory I was to save the document in, click "save
as"..................and am immediately booted out of Word. XP machine,
Office 2007. Only happens to me, no one else has complained of it. It is
starting to drive me nuts. It only happens when the document I am working
from was previously saved under a different name ..............and when I try
to save my changes to the document into the directory I am working in. For
example, I am using a form of subpeona from our forms directory, and I want
to save the form, with my changes, into the Jones directory. I make my
changes, go to the directory where I want to save the document, click "save
as"................and I am kicked out immediately, no questions asked, no
collecting $200, no going to jail, nothing................After the document
is "recovered", I can then save it. Any insight?

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