Getting External Data based on criteria insde of the external data



I sell stuff for a different customer each week. On my computer I have 1
directory per customer, and inside the directory I have many files, one of
which is always names "salesreport.xls"

Inside "salesreport.xls", I have alot of data in different sheets inside it.
The three relevent cells are in the same sheet. One cell is the name of the
customer (aka CUSTOMERNAME), one cell is the date of the sale (aka
DATEOFSALE) and the other cell is the total amount sold (aka TOTALAMT).

I'd like to automatically generate a worksheet that lists this
information... Specifically I'd like to see CUSTOMERNAME, DATEOFSALE and
TOTALAMT on each line. I'd like to do the report for a specified MONTH...
therefore if the DATEOFSALE fell inside the month, then list it.

I can't really change the structure of the directories... I need to keep one
directory for each customer and then have all of their information inside of
their directory.... is this achievable without having to write a lot of code?

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