Getting information From Form to report



Hey all,

i have designed an invoice as a form but inorder for me to print out a
professional invoice i want it to print from a report. I want to take
information from the form to the report so i can produce a professional
invoice. How would i go about doing this? I have tried using the
expression builder and taking fields from the form but i end up with
errors such as '#name?' in teh fields i want. All help would be
smashing :)

Rick B

Are you saving all the data in a table? If so, just ask the user which invoice to print, and the print it. Use a prompt in your query.

If you have a form and you want to add a button to print only that particular invoice, use code similar to the following...

Button to print specific record
Private Sub cmdPrint_Click()

Dim strWhere As String

If Me.Dirty Then 'Save any edits.

Me.Dirty = False

End If

If Me.NewRecord Then 'Check there is a record to print

MsgBox "Select a record to print"


strWhere = "[ID] = " & Me.[ID]

DoCmd.OpenReport "MyReport", acViewPreview, , strWhere

End If

End Sub

Notes: If your primary key is a Text type field (not a Number type field), you need extra quotes: strWhere = "[ID] = """ & Me.[ID] & """"

If you want the report to print without preview, replace acViewPreview with acViewNormal.

See also:


Thanks for the info rick, the info was great but i can print from the
invoice in form view but i want to design a report so my invoice looks
better, for example add a logo, look up customer details from their id
and print this on top of the invoice. How would i transfer information
from the invoice form to a report(invoice). I am not saving all my
information from the form to my invoice and invoice details table. I
work out calculations such as subtotal, total before tax and others
through the form.(i can work these calculatiosn again from using these
in the report right? ) All help would be great

have a nice day

Larry Linson

Thanks for the info rick, the info was great but i can print from the
invoice in form view but i want to design a report so my invoice looks
better, for example add a logo, look up customer details from their id
and print this on top of the invoice. How would i transfer information
from the invoice form to a report(invoice). I am not saving all my
information from the form to my invoice and invoice details table. I
work out calculations such as subtotal, total before tax and others
through the form.(i can work these calculatiosn again from using these
in the report right? ) All help would be great

Obviously, you have the calculations in the Form. Copy and paste them into
the Report, modify as necessary. Reports are "driven" by data from their
RecordSource, which will be a reference to a Query, an SQL Statement, or a
Table. Transferring data from an _open_ Form is possible, but it is better
to include the same/similar calculations in the Report. Use the Form's
identifier for the invoice ID to be printed... assuming you use a
DoCmd.OpenReport in the Click event code of a Command Button on the Form,
check help on the WhereCondition argument of DoCmd.OpenReport.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP

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