Dario de Judicibus
I'm getting mad with the latest version of Word (Office XP). Now the style
does not show only "pure" styles but also variants (style+...). This is
really confusing me. In fact, I want to use only pure styles. However, when
I receive pieces of docs from other peole, often I import a lot of style
garbage in my docs. Is there a way to say: "Please, change all
STYLE_X+OTHER_STUFF to STYLE_X only"? Where OTHER_STUFF is *not* a specific
variant, but *all* variants!
does not show only "pure" styles but also variants (style+...). This is
really confusing me. In fact, I want to use only pure styles. However, when
I receive pieces of docs from other peole, often I import a lot of style
garbage in my docs. Is there a way to say: "Please, change all
STYLE_X+OTHER_STUFF to STYLE_X only"? Where OTHER_STUFF is *not* a specific
variant, but *all* variants!