Getting My Images At the Bottom Of The Page



Hi Everyone,
One day last week I asked a question as to how to get my image banner to go
all the way across the page. Well I received the answer to that and it was
much appreciated. Now I have another question. I have the top images
sitting at the very top now how to I get my bottom images to sit at the
bottom? Here is the page and once again thanks so much!
Barb V


You cannot with simple table layouts.

It's even hard to accomplish reliably with CSS layouts.

The best bet is to make sure that each page has enough content to push the
bottom row of the table below the fold.


Darn, I was afraid you were going to say that. I just figured, if I could
do it to the top, I could do it to the bottom also. Thanks for answering.
Barb V


You're welcome!


Barb said:
Darn, I was afraid you were going to say that. I just figured, if I could
do it to the top, I could do it to the bottom also. Thanks for answering.
Barb V

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