Getting resources to work together



I think I'm a moderately skilled MSP user, but I'm a
little stuck on this one. At this site I'm on MSP2002
Here's the situation: I have a task and I'd like to have
three people work on it together (yes, I could break it
into three tasks, one resource per, but follow me here).
No problem, except that I've plugged in availability data
(holidays, etc) into their calendars. Now MSP has one user
start work on one day, the second on another day and the
third on yet another day. I want to tell it "No!I want
them to work together, that if that delays the start of
the task, then that's what I want it to do" (but it
doesn't seem to hear me).

Ideas anyone? btw, my favourite view for working with
resource allocation is the task usage view (in the lower
half of a split window), and this clearly shows the
respective users' start dates. Have fun.


Jan De Messemaeker

Hi Ken,

It seems incredible but Project cannot do this.

There is a workaround but it is a long way to go
Do not enter absences in teh calendars, as far as the calendar is concerned
everybody must work teh same
Enter absences or other non-availabilities as tasks for the resource, Must
Start On
Resource Leveling with the option "Leveling can adjuct individual
assignments on a task" OFF

There is some more disccussion on this in an article on my website
But no, resources having to work together is not something the makers of
Project have had in mind :)


Thanks very much for taking the time to reply, and for the
info. Yes, its as I suspected. Hummm, perhaps a request to
Microsoft for the next version.


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