Nick Kasoff
I've got an Access application which started in 97, and which we are
about to release in a 2003 version. I have Access 2003 runtime / ODE /
whatever it's called now, which is successfully creating a package
thanks to the expert help of Mike Wachal. Unfortunately, the setup
package it creates gives several nasty warnings about blocking unsafe
expressions. This is a retail package which is being used by financial
planners, who will have no idea what this message means, but will be
startled by it, resulting in many calls to our tech support line. Is
there some way of getting setup to run without this, as it has for
every other version of Access runtime?
about to release in a 2003 version. I have Access 2003 runtime / ODE /
whatever it's called now, which is successfully creating a package
thanks to the expert help of Mike Wachal. Unfortunately, the setup
package it creates gives several nasty warnings about blocking unsafe
expressions. This is a retail package which is being used by financial
planners, who will have no idea what this message means, but will be
startled by it, resulting in many calls to our tech support line. Is
there some way of getting setup to run without this, as it has for
every other version of Access runtime?