In line below.
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.
FrontPage Support:
The problem I refer to is on the pages "Sculptor" and "Photos" (links
in button column on left pane)
I can't get to those pages due to lack of Java.
It sounds like you are able to see the
buttons in IE but not FF because of Java being disabled?
If Java (JVM) is not installed or disabled the hover buttons will not
display, the links will not work. Many (perhaps most) users have their
PCs set up this way.
What I am encountering is that it seems FP is not at all "universal".
It'll work on IE, another MS product, but for any other browser, it's a
crap shoot what will display.
That depends on the skill and knowledge of the user. FrontPage is a
tool, the results from using it depend on the user.
We are also having a problem with font. I specified Arial Narrow, which
she used but it is displaying in Times New Roman on both browsers. Is
there a way in FP to "force" the font you select to be displayed on any
If the font is installed, the font will display. If the font is not
installed - it cannot display and the browser will choose an
alternative, either one you specify in the font family, or the browser
default (usually Times New Roman). Users can always override this and
specify their own fonts.
Is it also possiblein FP to "force" window to open full
You can use JavaScript to resize the browser window to full screen, and
annoy a serious number of users in the process. I use a screen res. of
2560x1024 - do you need this for your display? If this (browser resized
to any size other than the size I am using) happens to me, the website
goes into the Restricted sites zone where ALL scripting is disabled.
If it opens minimized or on standard notebook screen the heading
"HUNTINGTON SCULPTURE FOUNDATION" breaks into 2 lines , rather than
resizing to window size.
Design your page to accommodate small browser windows. Many users with
high res. Screens browse with a small window. I always use 800x600 to
surf, and only enlarge on that if the site is worth the trouble - often
it isn't.