Getting rid of hyperlinks



I copied a couple sentences from Wikipedia, and they have links in just about
every sentence. I changed the font style and color. I was reading through
what I had, and when I moved the mouse over those hyperlinks (that do no look
like hyperlinks anymore) it gives me the option to Ctrl + Mouse Click to the

Is there a quick way to get rid of all the hyperlinks in a Word 2003
document? or is there an easy way to find the hyperlinks? or do I have to
go through and find them myself?

Lene Fredborg

To remove the hyperlinks from the text you have already pasted, select the
text and press Ctrl+Shift+F9 - this will change the hyperlinks to normal
text. To remove the hyperlink formatting (which you obviously have already
done), press Ctrl+Spacebar (removes character formatting from the selection).

Hyperlinks are actually "fields" and Ctrl+Shift+F9 unlinks all fields in the
selection, i.e. it changes the fields to normal text.

Instead of using normal Paste (Ctrl+V) when you paste such text, you can
paste the text as unformatted text (Edit > Paste Special - select Unformatted
Text in the list).

Lene Fredborg
DocTools - Denmark
Document automation - add-ins, macros and templates for Microsoft Word

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Note that unlinking the hyperlinks will also remove the Hyperlink character

Lene Fredborg


Yes, that was also what I first expected. However, before posting the
answer, I tried copying text from Wikipedia and when I pasted that text and
unlinked the fields, the hyperlink formatting was not removed (that was why I
added the information about Ctrl+Spacebar).

I just tried the same again, also by copying from other Websites, and the
same happened - when unlinking fields, the hyperlink formatting was not
removed from hyperlinks pasted from the Internet but it was removed from
"normal" Word hyperlinks. I found out that all the hyperlinks I pasted from
the Internet were not formatted with the Hyperlink style but with local
character formatting. That seems to be the reason why the formatting was not

I then found the following relationship: If the option "Smart cut and paste"
in Tools > Options > Edit tab is _turned off_, hyperlinks pasted from the
Internet _are not_ formatted with hyperlink style. On the other hand, if the
option is _turned on_, hyperlinks _are_ formatted with hyperlink style.
Normally, I have the option turned off - I most often do not find it "smart".

Lene Fredborg
DocTools - Denmark
Document automation - add-ins, macros and templates for Microsoft Word

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