Getting rid of lines indicating content in outline view


Peter Malling

How do I get rid of the lines indicating that a heading has content in
the Word outline view?


Peter Malling

Hi Cindy
You don't.

Thanks. Then I'll stop looking. What a pity that MS doesn't pay more
attention to the value of a great outliner.


Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Peter,
How do I get rid of the lines indicating that a heading has content in
the Word outline view?

What a pity that MS doesn't pay more
attention to the value of a great outliner.
What, more specifically, are you trying to do?

MS put most of its effort into the "Document Map" concept, a while back,
that shows the outline next to the document.

There's also the option of creating a TOC (and turning it into plain
text), if one simply wants a bare bones outline.

Each of the three has its advantages for certain types of tasks. I'm
trying to think what great advantage there might be to simply not seeing
these "lines"?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Sep 30 2003)

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Peter Malling

Hi Cindy

I find that the "lines" are distracting, when you want to work
intensively in outline mode.
What, more specifically, are you trying to do?
Basically, I would like a kind of combination between the document map
and the outliner. The document map takes up space, and I can't edit in
it. The outliner has a pretty bad visual appearence, I can't easily
add e.g. legal numbering, it doesn't use the standard symbols for
expanded/collapsed levels, when I select text from somewhere in the
middle to the end of a paragraph, it selects the whole paragraph,
which is annoying, the indentations are too wide, the way that
formating is handled is appauling: you can (by now) suppress
formatting (as nobody would want to look at the heading-sized letters
while doing outlining), but then you can't colour og otherwise
highlight some of the text, which you WANT to be able to do when

Well, if you look at some of the dedicated outliners, such as "Java
Online Editor", you'll get a hint at what I miss. I've never used
Mcintosh, but it seems that they've had great outliners for the last
10-15 years.

What MS should understand is, that an outliner is a thinking tool, a
tool to develop concepts, and hence you need to be able to operate
with concepts at a higher level, encapsulating each concept, you work
with. Word takes much more a text-approach. They could even make it a
stand-alone product, which integrates with Word, it could also have
mind-mapping facilities etc.


Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Peter,
What MS should understand is, that an outliner is a thinking tool, a
tool to develop concepts, and hence you need to be able to operate
with concepts at a higher level, encapsulating each concept, you work
with. Word takes much more a text-approach. They could even make it a
stand-alone product, which integrates with Word, it could also have
mind-mapping facilities etc.
Somewhere on there's a "Wish" tool, where you could
submit this. I think it would be an excellent idea :)

Of all the things you list, the "lines" that show there's text beneath
the level are the least irritating, IMO. The selection with pargraph
thing has annoyed me for years.

Since I "grew up" with the view, long before there were outlining tools
on web pages (or even Internet webpages, for that matter), the symbols
don't really bother me.

Cindy Meister

Peter Malling

Hi Cindy
Somewhere on there's a "Wish" tool, where you could
submit this. I think it would be an excellent idea :)

I tried to find the wish list on MS's site, but couldn't find it.


Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Peter,

Say, someone reminded me that OneNote might do a bit more of what
you're looking for. Have you ever seen it / tried it?
I tried to find the wish list on MS's site, but couldn't find it.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 8 2004)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question
or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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