Getting rid of mail icon for redirected & deleted messages



I have setup the following rules (in the same order) for Outlook 2000 & 2003
- specific words and email addresses have been omitted here:

1. "Apply this rule after the message arrives
with (specified words) in the message header
redirect it to (people or distribution list)"

2. "Apply this rule after the message arrives
with (specific words) in the sender's address
permanently delete it"

* The purpose of the rule 1 is to receive a particular email from the same
(as specified in rule 2).
* Rule 1 redirects the incoming message to an alternative email account.
* Rule 2 permanently deletes that same message in the user's current mailbox.

So, the idea is to redirect a particular incoming email to an alternative
mail account
and permanently delete the original message (if it exists) in our current

My Question:
Usually, when I receive an new email in my inbox, a small mail icon appears
in the system tray. However, when I apply the above 2 rules (in the same
order), a mail icon appears even though there are no new emails in my inbox
(this is because the new emails had been redirected, and then permanently

Is there a way to remove the mail icon when there are no new emails in the
inbox (as in the case mentioned above) AND still have the mail icon when new
emails ACTUALLY arrive in the inbox?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

No, not under your set of circumstances.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, nw3182 asked:

| I have setup the following rules (in the same order) for Outlook 2000
| & 2003 - specific words and email addresses have been omitted here:
| 1. "Apply this rule after the message arrives
| with (specified words) in the message header
| redirect it to (people or distribution list)"
| 2. "Apply this rule after the message arrives
| with (specific words) in the sender's address
| permanently delete it"
| * The purpose of the rule 1 is to receive a particular email from the
| same sender
| (as specified in rule 2).
| * Rule 1 redirects the incoming message to an alternative email
| account.
| * Rule 2 permanently deletes that same message in the user's current
| mailbox.
| So, the idea is to redirect a particular incoming email to an
| alternative mail account
| and permanently delete the original message (if it exists) in our
| current inbox.
| My Question:
| Usually, when I receive an new email in my inbox, a small mail icon
| appears in the system tray. However, when I apply the above 2 rules
| (in the same order), a mail icon appears even though there are no new
| emails in my inbox (this is because the new emails had been
| redirected, and then permanently deleted).
| Is there a way to remove the mail icon when there are no new emails
| in the inbox (as in the case mentioned above) AND still have the mail
| icon when new emails ACTUALLY arrive in the inbox?

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