Getting rid of the Access splashsreen on startup



How do I get rid of the standard Access splashscreen on
startup? I'd like my application to go straight to my
opening form without anything else popping up first. But
right now, I briefly see the Access splashscreen before
anything else happens.



Paul Overway

Create a small bitmap and give it the same name as your database, and place
it in the same folder as your database. The bitmap will be displayed
instead of the Access splash screen

Bruce M. Thompson

Create a small bitmap and give it the same name as your database ...

In case someone doesn't find that clear, that means that if your application is
named "MyApp.MDB", name the bitmap "MyApp.BMP".



Thanks Paul and Bruce!
-----Original Message----- database ...

In case someone doesn't find that clear, that means that if your application is
named "MyApp.MDB", name the bitmap "MyApp.BMP".

Bruce M. Thompson, Microsoft Access MVP
(e-mail address removed) (See the Access FAQ at
within the newsgroups so that all might benefit.<<


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