Getting right info
I have a large list of stock and description and qty on sheet1, and i would
like to extract just stock with qty value >0 to sheet2, which i managed with
=IF(Sheet1!$D$1:$D$20>0,Sheet1!$A$1:$A$24,""), however the distracted info is
scatered across the sheet2 according to fields they been stored in sheet1.
Is there a formula, which would help me to transfer necesary info to sheet2,
as soon qty>0 anywere on sheet1, but so the transfered info would go nicly
one by one in column on sheet2 with no gaps.
I hope you gus understand what i ma trying to say here
thanks for help
like to extract just stock with qty value >0 to sheet2, which i managed with
=IF(Sheet1!$D$1:$D$20>0,Sheet1!$A$1:$A$24,""), however the distracted info is
scatered across the sheet2 according to fields they been stored in sheet1.
Is there a formula, which would help me to transfer necesary info to sheet2,
as soon qty>0 anywere on sheet1, but so the transfered info would go nicly
one by one in column on sheet2 with no gaps.
I hope you gus understand what i ma trying to say here
thanks for help