How are you getting the DateRange? By parameters, or filling in 2 dates on a form, and
referencing those values in your query?
If Parameters in the query...
ex. Between [Enter a StartDate] and [Enter a StopDate]
Then on the form, an unbound text control with...
= [Enter a StartDate] & " to " & [Enter a StopDate]
If from an open form controls [StartDate] and [StopDate]....
= Forms!frmYourFormName!StartDate & " to " Forms!frmYourFormName!StopDate
Al Campagna . Candia Computer Consulting . Candia, NH USA
Microsoft Access MVP
"Find a job that you love, and you'll never work a day in your life."
Phil said:
I have a report that the data is generated from a query. One of the selection
criteria for that query/report is a date range. How do I get that date range
to appear in the report?