Getting started problems--Please help!!



I think One Note is going to be the answer for my mess of a desk, but I'm
having probs.

1st--I have office 2003 and downloaded the trial for OneNote 2007. This
shouldn't be a problem, right?

2nd--The obvious intuitive way to make a new
notebook--(File--new--notebook), everything is greyed out. I activated the
trial no problem and according to the info I've read, it should be in full
functionality for 60 days.

All advice would be appreciated!!

Steve Silverwood

I think One Note is going to be the answer for my mess of a desk,

I don't doubt it for a bit! :)
but I'm having probs.

1st--I have office 2003 and downloaded the trial for OneNote 2007. This
shouldn't be a problem, right?

Shouldn't, but there may be some things that OneNote 2007 would do
with Outlook 2007 that won't be supported by Outlook 2003. I haven't
tried this myself in such an environment, but if you scan around
through the older messages in this newsgroup you'll likely find a few
postings about it.
2nd--The obvious intuitive way to make a new
notebook--(File--new--notebook), everything is greyed out. I activated the
trial no problem and according to the info I've read, it should be in full
functionality for 60 days.

Just guessing, but: If you activated it, did you then close OneNote
and restart it? That sometimes is all it takes....


PS: Keep us all posted on your progress in taming the paper beast!

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