PC User
I'm using the voice reader from a db demo that I made and putting it
into a db that has richtext. I'm made a public function that reads the
text; however, when it reads richtext it reads all the format codes as
well as the content text. I need to be able to have it read the text of
the richtext and not include the format codes.
Public Function Speak()
'On Error Resume Next
'See Voice Declaration Module - basVoiceDeclarations
Dim ctlText As Control
Set ctlText = Screen.PreviousControl
Set V = New SpVoice
V.Speak Nz(ctlText, "")
End Function
The voice reader demo is at
Any help would be appreciated.
into a db that has richtext. I'm made a public function that reads the
text; however, when it reads richtext it reads all the format codes as
well as the content text. I need to be able to have it read the text of
the richtext and not include the format codes.
Public Function Speak()
'On Error Resume Next
'See Voice Declaration Module - basVoiceDeclarations
Dim ctlText As Control
Set ctlText = Screen.PreviousControl
Set V = New SpVoice
V.Speak Nz(ctlText, "")
End Function
The voice reader demo is at
Any help would be appreciated.