Lester Lane
I'm just discovering toolbars etc and have managed to dedicate a
unique bar to each form. This has allowed me to remove many buttons
that simple open other popup forms etc. My issue now is how can I move
the remaining buttons to the toolbar? The code they run uses local
syntax and sometimes will then run a public module. These modules
generally require a parameter or more. So I have different types of
button functions, can someone please help on:
1. Toolbar buttons running local form code (things like .SetFocus and
2. Toolbar buttons running modules passing local form parameters
If you also know how to get sexier icons than the boring set found
under "Change Button Image" that would be good too. I have also
noticed you can drag in a command with an icon you want and then
change the actual coding of the command, but can I get access to the
Windows set of program icons for example?
Further, if I drag one of my Forms in to a Toolbar simply to open it,
under the properties there is only one parameter. Which one is this?
The OpenForm code has many... Lots of points I know, but thanks in
unique bar to each form. This has allowed me to remove many buttons
that simple open other popup forms etc. My issue now is how can I move
the remaining buttons to the toolbar? The code they run uses local
syntax and sometimes will then run a public module. These modules
generally require a parameter or more. So I have different types of
button functions, can someone please help on:
1. Toolbar buttons running local form code (things like .SetFocus and
2. Toolbar buttons running modules passing local form parameters
If you also know how to get sexier icons than the boring set found
under "Change Button Image" that would be good too. I have also
noticed you can drag in a command with an icon you want and then
change the actual coding of the command, but can I get access to the
Windows set of program icons for example?
Further, if I drag one of my Forms in to a Toolbar simply to open it,
under the properties there is only one parameter. Which one is this?
The OpenForm code has many... Lots of points I know, but thanks in