getting value from a different cell...?



If anyone can help me with this, I would be greatful. I created a very
simplified version of my problem below, but an answer to this can
solve my real problem. I am at a loss on how to associate the expense
next to the name with the dollar value in another column, then
maintain a running sum for each individual.

I have an expense sheet that has expenses by name, (ie car) and
another that assigns a dollar value to that car.
Each name can have multiple expenses (ie below fred has car car misc
meal). Nbr 1 below.

Another section, Nbr 2 below, assigns an expense value to each item.

I need a formula that answers nbr 3 Cells B5 through B8. It says: this
person had these four items, it checks the value of the each, adds
them up and gives me a total expense....

1 fred car car misc meal
2 mike meal car phone misc
3 jim meal phone car misc
4 bill phone misc meal meal

5 car 100
6 meal 50
7 phone 10
8 misc 25

9 fred 275<------- Need formula for this column
10 mike 185
11 jim 185
12 bill 135

Any help greatfully appreciated!

Dave Peterson

I would do this.

I'd find x contiguous columns (H:xxx???) and put this in row one of those
Car meal Phone Misc xxx yyyy zzzz

Then in each row of real data (starts with row 2):

In H2:

The $ signs are important. When the formula is dragged across and down the
range, the addresses will change nicely.

it counts the number of Cars in B:E and multiplies that by the value in the
table in sheet2.

Then I'd use another column that just summed those "detail" amounts.


Maybe even put that sum column to the left of those detail amounts.

I like keeping the details (even if I hide those columns for reporting). But
then I can do nice things--data|Filter|autofilter or data|subtotals or
data|pivottable to get summaries for each category.


This works but may not be suitable for a more complex version of your

H1:I4 contains your table (section Nbr 2)

A10:A13 contains section Nbr 3

Put in B10 and copy down


I am sure there is a more "sophisticated" way to do this.


This works but may not be suitable for a more complex version of your

H1:I4 contains your table (section Nbr 2)

A10:A13 contains section Nbr 3

Put in B10 and copy down


I am sure there is a more "sophisticated" way to do this.

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Thank you both.
I understand what you are each saying and I think I can work with it.

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