Getting Word to work with Sharepoint


Jaime G

We are using Sharepoint (hosted on Microsoft's server). We
have one remote user who is using a Mac with OSX and
OfficeX. Our team is collaborating on mainly word docs and
the best our Mac user can do is to download the document,
edit it, then upload it again. Meanwhile, someone has
edited the document and someone's changes are inevitably
lost. This is what we wanted to avoid when we purchased the
Sharepoint service. Is their any way to get the edit
function in Word working properly on the Mac with Shrepoint?

Thanks in advance!
Jaime G

Jeff Spring

We are using Sharepoint (hosted on Microsoft's server). We
have one remote user who is using a Mac with OSX and
OfficeX. Our team is collaborating on mainly word docs and
the best our Mac user can do is to download the document,
edit it, then upload it again. Meanwhile, someone has
edited the document and someone's changes are inevitably
lost. This is what we wanted to avoid when we purchased the
Sharepoint service. Is their any way to get the edit
function in Word working properly on the Mac with Shrepoint?

Thanks in advance!
Jaime G

I also run your set up and I haven't found a lick of support for SharePoint
in OfficeX. Don't hold your breath for the OfficeX version to ever support
it. They will have to come up with another version of Office for the Mac to
integrate the sharepoint support. The new version of Office for the PC
called 2003 is just now getting full support for SharePoint integrated in
from the point of install. This is an oversight that Microsoft should look
into if they are going to say that they support the Mac.

Dayo Mitchell

Jeff, they are developing the next Office--send Feedback via the Help menu
asking for Sharepoint support as in the PC version.


Jim Gordon

Hi Jeff, Jamie et al.,

It's important for anyone using Windows versions of Office to let the
Windows office folks know when they are creating software that does not work
properly for their customers. The SharePoint feature fails to meet
expectations if your intended audience (in this case Macintosh clients) is
unable to use it.

The Windows office team needs to hear from Windows Office customers who are
dissatisfied when documents created in Word for Windows fail in a Macintosh
environment. After all, one of the big sales points for Office is
cross-platform compatibility.

If Microsoft gets only a few complaints from Windows users then they can
blow off Mac Office support as unimportant. But if enough Windows users
complain and don't use SharePoint as a result, then sales of the product
will be affected, and that is what Microsoft is concerned about.

All users of Word for Windows who are affected by this situation should send
feedback to the Word for Windows group at this URL

-Jim Gordon

All responses should be made to this newsgroup within the same thread.

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