Gary B (Irvine)
Using Word 2003. I have several document templates on a network share and
those templates use a common set of procedures in another GlobalMacros.dot
file so that I'd only have to maintain one set of code rather than
duplicating the same code in each document template. The templates include
code that make sure the GlobalMacros.dot template is listed on the user's
Tools > Templates and Add-ins. This has been working fine for a few weeks.
Now I find that I need to make a change to a procedure in GlobalMacros.doc.
However, whenever I try to open GlobalMacros.dot, Word opens it as Read-Only
so I can never save my changes. I'm guessing that one or more of the user's
on the network share have a document open that is based on a document
template that is using the GlobalMacros.dot procedures, or the fact that
GlobalMacros.dot is now listed as a attached template in their Tools >
Templates and Add-ons (even when they don't have a template based document
open), the system has the file locked and I can't do any updates. I can copy
GlobalMacros.dot to another file and make changes, but when I go to rename it
back to GlobalMacros.dot, the system says it can't overwrite a file because
someone has it open or locked.
With 20+ users on a worldwide basis, there's almost no time during the day
when a file based on these templates won't be open somewhere. Plus, there
doesn't seem to be a way to find out who has the file open so you could tell
them to shut down (and even if you did, someone else might come along and
open a file).
So how do you go about sharing a common set of code between multiple
document templates, but still be able to update the code in a multi-user
Thanks very much!
those templates use a common set of procedures in another GlobalMacros.dot
file so that I'd only have to maintain one set of code rather than
duplicating the same code in each document template. The templates include
code that make sure the GlobalMacros.dot template is listed on the user's
Tools > Templates and Add-ins. This has been working fine for a few weeks.
Now I find that I need to make a change to a procedure in GlobalMacros.doc.
However, whenever I try to open GlobalMacros.dot, Word opens it as Read-Only
so I can never save my changes. I'm guessing that one or more of the user's
on the network share have a document open that is based on a document
template that is using the GlobalMacros.dot procedures, or the fact that
GlobalMacros.dot is now listed as a attached template in their Tools >
Templates and Add-ons (even when they don't have a template based document
open), the system has the file locked and I can't do any updates. I can copy
GlobalMacros.dot to another file and make changes, but when I go to rename it
back to GlobalMacros.dot, the system says it can't overwrite a file because
someone has it open or locked.
With 20+ users on a worldwide basis, there's almost no time during the day
when a file based on these templates won't be open somewhere. Plus, there
doesn't seem to be a way to find out who has the file open so you could tell
them to shut down (and even if you did, someone else might come along and
open a file).
So how do you go about sharing a common set of code between multiple
document templates, but still be able to update the code in a multi-user
Thanks very much!