Global (+non-cached enterprise)



I have a few users that appear to have messed with their calendars as it
seems to be isolated to their local copy of Project 2007.

MY COMPUTER: Tools --> Organizer --> Calendars --> 'Calendars Available =
Global(+non-cached Enterprise) I see:

FCBT-IT FTE Programmers
Intern Calendar

I see this in both columns.

However, on another users PC when I do the steps above I am seeing:

FCBT-IT FTE Programmers1
Intern Calendar

The standard is missing.

Is there a way to fix this persons settings? I would like to get these bogus
calendars out of there so we do not have further issues?

NOTE: I posted this on the Project group site and received not responses.
So, any input is greatly appreciated.


Ben Howard

Hi Trisha, to the best of my knowledge you can't stop users creating local
calendars - this needs to be a training issue. However, you can stop
projects with local calendars being published to the project server (assuming
project server 2007, can't remember if that is an option for 2003).


Ben - So how do I go about clearing these because when I try to delete them
from the users local profile the system notes that it is an enterprise
calendar that needs to be edited from Project Server yet I am not seeing
these calendars on Project Server. I am stumped!

Quizzed again

Trisha I have the same situation. I have Standard11 in my local global
(global.mpt) and using Organizer to delete it is impossible. When I do try I
get the same message saying that I cannot delete teh Standard upon which
other calendars are based. Furthermore, the Standard calendar does not show
in the list.

Have you found a solution?


I did. It was time consuming but I had everyone exit out of all plans. Then
I went to each users PC and opened up each project (we have a master project
with sub-projects) and I cleared all the unnecessary calendars. I repeated
this step on each users PC. After clearing each calendar on the PC I cleared
the cache in Project and then verified that there were no longer any
unnecessary calendars.

I repeated this process on 6 user PCs and it worked but like I said it was
time consuming. And if one user gets in there and works on a plan and it has
links to another plan it is will spread that way also. This is why I had
everyone out of all project plans while I cleaned this up.

Then a new rule was put in place....No making custom calendars unless they
are enterprise, no making custom local views, etc. It ended up being a
training issue.

Quizzed again

But you never actaully laid your hands on a local calendar called Standard or
Standard II, right? By deleting any extra calendars this cleared up itself it
sounds like. I appreciate the help very much.


I did lay my hands on StandardII. I found that you will find where the other
calendar was created when you walk through cleaning these up. You will be
able to delete StandardII when you are on the correct user PC. Standard I
did not want to delete. But, yes in some instances the other bogus calendars
cleared themselves.

Make sure to clear cache on all machines.

Hope this helps.

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