Global Templates




I am using Word 2000 SP3.

I am looking for a way to share common elements across a group of
templates (e.g., styles, certain formats, text, etc.). I want to be
able to share a common look and feel of a series of templates, but each
template is unique enough to warrant being a seperate template on it's
own. I have found it is difficult to maintain this setup if I have to
change a common element that needs to be applied to all templates.
Instead of making changes manually to each template, I would like to
propogate common changes across all templates from one master template.

Here is what I have tried and discovered so far:

1) I can move a style from the master template to other templates using
the Templates and Add-Ins Organizer. This works well, but still has to
be executed for each template I want to move the style to.

2) I have looked into creating a global template but I have not had
much success with this. I made my "master template" a global template,
but this does not seem to have any effect on any "child" templates I
have. I realize that you have to add the global template for each
session unless you add it to the startup folder, but this still does
not seem to make a difference.

3) Themes look like a promising feature for this, but I see no way to
create or modify themes.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

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