Global View setting for Outlook?

  • Thread starter Sam M. via
  • Start date

Sam M. via

One of my users screwed up his Outlook view for certain folders within his
Inbox. Most of the general fields are gone, ie. From, Subject, Received, etc.
The weird thing is that it changed the view for almost all the folders within
our Public Folder - we're talking about hundreds of folders. He's able to
get the fields back by going to Customize Current View, but that's only per
folder. Is there a global setting to change the view for all folders? If
not, is there another way to 'reset' the user's Outlook without destroying
his profile? Thanks for any advice.

neo [mvp outlook]

Start > Run > outlook.exe /cleanviews > ok button

This will delete all custom views and reset the built-in ones back to a
first run condition.

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