gmail has stolen default mail handler from Outlook



My primary email program is Outlook. I also use gmail sometimes. Lately,
whenever I click a "mailto:" link on a Web page, Firefox/gmail open, not
Outlook. I have set the option in Outlook to make it the default email
program, but that doesn't seem to be sufficient. How can I fix this


Brian Tillman

jason said:
My primary email program is Outlook. I also use gmail sometimes.
Lately, whenever I click a "mailto:" link on a Web page,
Firefox/gmail open, not Outlook. I have set the option in Outlook to
make it the default email program, but that doesn't seem to be
sufficient. How can I fix this behavior?

Open Folder Options in Control Panel and correct the file association for
the "URL:MailTo Protocol" file type to include

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Officexx\Outlook.exe" -c IPM.Note /m "%1"

in the "application used to perform action" field for the "open" action.
Check the "Use DDE" box and include "Outlook" in the "Application field. I
also have "System" in the Topic field.


tillman1952 said:
Open Folder Options in Control Panel and correct the file association for
the "URL:MailTo Protocol" file type to include

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Officexx\Outlook.exe" -c IPM.Note /m "%1"

in the "application used to perform action" field for the "open" action.
Check the "Use DDE" box and include "Outlook" in the "Application field. I
also have "System" in the Topic field.

First, there was NO URL:MailTo in the list to start with. When I tried
to add it, all I got was an opportunity to pick the program to associate
with it - not any of the other options. Interestingly (disgustingly?!) I
*do* get all the other options if I try to change, say, the behavior for
a .psd Photoshop file... I tried hitting Restore and wound up with:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Office11\1033\UNBIND10.DLL" When I click
Change, it just pops up a list of candidate programs - no other options.
I see that there is no %1 argument reference in whatever it is that
Microsoft plugged in when I Restore'd, so I'm not sure how this could
possibly work.




- nothing... -

It turns out that this behavior stemmed from a Firefox config setting. I
tried clicking a Mailto: link on a page viewed in IE6 and it opened
Outlook. about:config in Firefox revealed the option that caused Gmail
to open. I have no idea why... but it's fixed.

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