Go back in my document



I have a 400 pages document that I use a hyperlink to skip around to
different tables within the document. I want to put a button on the tables
that will return me to the originating place wherever in the document.

My email is (e-mail address removed)

Jean-Guy Marcil

Cindy said:
I have a 400 pages document that I use a hyperlink to skip around to
different tables within the document. I want to put a button on the tables
that will return me to the originating place wherever in the document.

Have you tried using the "Back" button on the Web toolbar?


Jean-Guy Marcil said:
Have you tried using the "Back" button on the Web toolbar?

Actually, I saw that suggestion in another post, and I don't know how to get
that button on my table. It is not available on the toolbars visible in my
word document.


Jean-Guy Marcil said:
Have you tried using the "Back" button on the Web toolbar?

I saw that suggestion in another post. When I invoke the WEB toolbar the
back button is inactive (greyed out).

Jean-Guy Marcil

Cindy said:
I saw that suggestion in another post. When I invoke the WEB toolbar the
back button is inactive (greyed out).

How did you insert the hyperlinks?
What Word version?
The "Back" button is greyed out even after you use one of the hyperlinks?


Well I went back into a test document and the back and forward buttons are
active on the toolbar. One more question. Most of the audience for this
document will not have the web tool bar turned on. Can I have this toolbar
saved someone in the document to always show when they open the document, and
then refer them to the back button in my tables? I've looked for an "On
Start up" option like in excel but I don't see it in Word. Thank you for
your assistance. cindy

Jay Freedman

Open the Tools > Customize dialog. (This is available only in Word 2003 and
earlier, but that's also true of the Web toolbar, so I'll assume that's what
you have.)

Set the Save In box to the current document. Do not leave it at the default
setting of Normal.dot, as that will affect only your computer.

If the Web toolbar isn't visible at the moment, go to the Toolbars tab of
the dialog and check its box.

Hold down the Ctrl key while you drag the back and forward buttons to
another toolbar. The Ctrl key makes a copy, while dragging without the Ctrl
key causes a move.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.


THANKS - THANKS - THANKS as always you've saved me a lot of time!! Have a
Merry Christmas!

fumei via OfficeKB.com

BTW: pressing Shift-F5 is the equivalent to Application.GoBack.
THANKS - THANKS - THANKS as always you've saved me a lot of time!! Have a
Merry Christmas!
Open the Tools > Customize dialog. (This is available only in Word 2003 and
earlier, but that's also true of the Web toolbar, so I'll assume that's what
[quoted text clipped - 32 lines]

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