Go back to previous position once clicking a link as browsing the




I would like to know how I am able to go back to my previous position once I
have clicked a link to another section inside a word document.

Many time I need to follow a link to another part in the document and I
would then like to go back to my previous position as when browsing the

How is that possible in Word 2003 or 2007? any key shortcuts are also
appreciated. I tried to search it up without any success.

Gordon Bentley-Mix


The Web toolbar in 2003 has a 'Back' button on it that works like the 'Back'
button in a browser. I seem to recall something about an F-key that does the
same, but since I never use it... ;-P

In 2007, you can add the 'Back' button to the QAT.

Gordon Bentley-Mix
Word MVP

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There is also Alt+Left (Web Go Back) and obviously Alt+Right (Web Go Forward).
Not sure if these work still in 2007, I assume so as most of these old
commands seem to be available.
But as you say Gordon, the Web Toolbar in 2003 works wonders.
You may have been thinking of F5 which is a Go Back but works slightly
differently to the Web version, mostly I use it to retrun me to the point of
last edit after I have reopened the document, very handy.
All the best.

Gordon Bentley-Mix

Thanks Dean. It _was_ F5 that I was thinking about, and now I remember how
it works as well. You're right; it's not quite the same thing, but very
handy indeed. ;-P

Gordon Bentley-Mix
Word MVP

Please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup.

Read the original version of this post in the Office Discussion Groups - no
membership required!


Gordon Bentley-Mix said:
Thanks Dean. It _was_ F5 that I was thinking about, and now I remember how
it works as well. You're right; it's not quite the same thing, but very
handy indeed. ;-P

Gordon Bentley-Mix
Word MVP

Please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup.

Read the original version of this post in the Office Discussion Groups - no
membership required!

Great! appreciated.

It is the Ctrl + Right and Ctrl + Left , that will save me plenty of time.
Any idea how to access it from menu in Office 2007?

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