Hello! I have a form with a default view of Continuous Forms.
Basically, I have a list of 18 text boxes that a user can enter up to
18 topic names. I also made a set of command buttons for navigation:
First, Next, Prev, and Last, so the user can navigate up and down the
list of topic names. The nav buttons work, except for the Last button,
I have it set to go to the last record using:
Private Sub LastQuestion_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_LastQuestion_Click
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acLast
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_LastQuestion_Click
End Sub
But, all 18 topic name text boxes won't always be filled, so I'd like
the Last button to go to the last topic name created instead of just
the last (18th) record. This seems like a simple problem, but I'm
having a tough time trying to figure it out. Any help would be
appreciated. Thanks!!
Basically, I have a list of 18 text boxes that a user can enter up to
18 topic names. I also made a set of command buttons for navigation:
First, Next, Prev, and Last, so the user can navigate up and down the
list of topic names. The nav buttons work, except for the Last button,
I have it set to go to the last record using:
Private Sub LastQuestion_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_LastQuestion_Click
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acLast
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_LastQuestion_Click
End Sub
But, all 18 topic name text boxes won't always be filled, so I'd like
the Last button to go to the last topic name created instead of just
the last (18th) record. This seems like a simple problem, but I'm
having a tough time trying to figure it out. Any help would be
appreciated. Thanks!!