Fred Holmes said:
In a MS Word (2003) table is there any way to execute a
"Go To Row Column," i.e, the equivalent of pressing F5
in Excel and typing in the desired Cell Address, e.g. "D37"?
(Starting with the insertion point within the applicable
table, of course.)
Hi Fred,
Not out of the box...
One thing you can do is add the "TableFormatCell" dialog to some menu or
toolbar (Tools > Customize... > Commands > Categories: All commands).
It shows you the row and column you are in, and has "Previous row" / "Next
row" / "Previous column" / "Next column" buttons that allow you to navigate
to some specific cell.
Another option would be a macro:
Dim myRow, myColumn, myString
myString = _
InputBox("e.g. B4=2nd column, 4th row", _
"Navigate to cell...", "A1")
myColumn = Left(myString, 1)
myColumn = AscW(myColumn) - AscW("A") + 1
myRow = Val(Mid(myString, 2))
Selection.Tables(1).Cell(myRow, _
Hope I got the spreadsheet nomenclature right...
You might add some code for error handlers, or for columns > "Z".