going back to slide #1 when idle



I put together PowerPoint .pps slideshows for my pastor's sermons. I prepare
them on my home PC and show them on the church's PC (which also has the full
PowerPoint loaded) However, if he gets a bit long winded all of a sudden the
pps goes back to slide #1 - which I don't want it to - so then I have to
"fast forward" to the slide it should have been staying on. It does not do
this at home and the only solution I've found so far is the move the mouse
every minute or so to keep it from reaching that "idle time - return to slide

I'm guessing there is a setting in the pps or in PowerPoint itself that
says "do or don't go back to slide #1 if idle for X number of seconds"


TAJ Simmons


Have you set the presentation to Kiosk mode (slideshow menu > set up show)...
"A self-running presentation restarts when it has finished and also when it has been idle on a manually advanced slide
for longer than five minutes."

If you set it to "browsed by a speaker"...then it will not re-start without you telling it to.

TAJ Simmons
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Dec 13, 2023
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I finally found a solution. I opened my presentation with a zip tool (7zip) and changed a line of xml in the ppt/presProps.xml:

Replace with:
<p:kiosk restart="6000000" />

This will set the restart time of the presentation to one hour.

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